San Francisco Homebrewers Guild“Homebrewer of the Year” Competition Series Rules
San Francisco Homebrewers Guild club competitions are conducted in accordance with BJCP guidelines and the points earned by club members in these competitions, plus points earned by placing in other BJCP-certified competitions, are added up to determine who is the SFHG Homebrewer of the Year. The winner will have their name engraved on the SFHG HoY trophy cup and will bask in the adulation of their peers.
Brewers may earn points toward HoY by entering the four BJCP-style competitions hosted by the SFHG each year. Members are limited to entering one beer per club competition. For all competitions submit two (2) 12 oz bottles or one (1) 22 oz for entry (but really, 12 oz bottles are preferred) and entrants must declare the base beer style. The exception to this rule is the people’s choice competition at the club’s annual picnic in Golden Gate park.
SFHG members may also earn points toward the SFHG HoY Award by winning a ribbon in a BJCP- certified competition with certain limitations. Beers submitted for SFHG club comps can also be submitted for outside comps, but can only earn points from one outside comp. Overall, members can earn points on up to four different beers from outside competitions, but each beer can only earn points once from outside competitions.
How the points are allocated: SFHG competitions:
● 6 points for 1st place
● 4 points for 2nd place
● 2 points for 3rd place
● 0.5 points for entry that does not place
● 1 bonus point if you enter all 4 SFHG-sponsored competitions
Non-SFHG competitions - BJCP certified comps and AHA Regionals:
● 3 points for Gold
● 2 points for Silver
● 1 point for Bronze
● 1 bonus point for winning Best of Show
AHA National Finals:
● 6 points for Gold
● 4 points for Silver
● 2 points for Bronze
Members can also earn an extra point for donating a keg of beer to a club event such as the Northern California Homebrewers Festival or Homebrewcon -- one point maximum.
Other rules:
● Brewers must be a paid, annual member of SFHG, and must enter at least ONE (1) of our SFHG club competitions to be eligible for the SFHG HOY Award.
● If you enter a competition with a co-brewer, your points will only count toward that specific team. Brewers do not earn individual brewer points when an entry is submitted as a team.
● Brewers must enter outside BJCP competitions as members of SFHG for the points to count in HoY competition. It is the brewer’s responsibility for notifying the competitions chair of any outside points earned and for showing proof of placement.
Tie-Breaker for HoY Award:
If at the end of the year there is a tie of points between multiple homebrewers, we will break the tie by taking these factors into consideration in this order, until someone emerges as a winner:
1) Most points earned in SFHG competitions
2) Most 1st Place Awards, SFHG competitions
3) Most 2nd Place Awards, SFHG competitions
4) Most 3rd Place Awards, SFHG competitions
5) Most 1st Place Awards, Non-SFHG competitions
6) Most 2nd Place Awards, Non-SFHG competitions
7) Most 3rd Place Awards, Non-SFHG competitions
Need more info?:
Join the SFHG mailing list and/or become a member of the SFHG Facebook Group and/or the SFHG Discord Server to receive the most up to date information. If you have any specific questions, you can e- mail SFHG
Competitions Chair Brad Cain at [email protected] .
There can only be one winner of the HoY award, however, all SFHG members will benefit greatly from entering competitions and receiving honest feedback and recommendations on how to improve your beer. All SFHG brewers are highly encouraged to brew for competitions!
Best of luck and happy brewing!